Product Description
Enhanced cash depositor functionality
versatile, highly ergonomic with minimal staff training needs, using touch screen and simplified menus.
Embedded communication agent
to CMN System continuously synchronizing data, avail- able to CashPartne p TM users.
Multiple access roles
for Depositors, Shift Supervisors and Armored Courier service are implemented as per administrator set-up in cloud based CMN system.
Role-based users ecosystem
CashCluster is role-based, recognizing different user roles with distinct responsibilities. It is the “depositor" with sole functionality the cash depos- its. The “cashier” who may also execute withdraw- als, subject to the established device and merchant safety limits. Prior two roles may only execute financial transaction, provided that Merchant “Supervisor" has opened a “shift". Last but not least, is the “CIT" role, who may offload cash from the system, replacing the bag or cassette media.Each user, upon Sign-In, is provided with a custom- ized menu of available operations, reflecting his own role profile for device access and functionality. Users may be temporarily disabled or enabled, by the CMN admins.
Unlimited virtual smart safes
for multiple merchants access, in the same single physical safe, supported by a single bank and armored courier service.
Multivendor features and security options
for the Cash Smart Safe, applied as per administrator profiling in CMN System, via CashPartner TM.
Secure application and data comm
fulfilling bankning industry standards for cash handling systems.
Enhanced cash depositor functionality
CashCluster user interface is by design optimized for touch screen, with easy to navigate main menu selec- tion buttons. Deposits or withdrawals (where sup- ported by the smart safe features) produce detailed receipt with unique id# which may be traced by the Cash Management Network (CMN) System adminis- trators.
Armored courier cash offloading
CashCluster is managing the secure cash offloading process, with tickets printed for armored courier. Incase of bags used as cash transfer media, a ticket with full cash inventory details is dropped into the bag, before the sealing process. Bag or cassette media id# is captured via barcode scanning and is embedded in the associated financial transaction data, ensuring end-to-end cash transportation traceability